OK, I’ve had a few days to let it sink in…it’s really September. Time to get over it and get with the program. And really, what’s not to like about September? The humidity dissolves, the lawn is no longer in overdrive, and the sun takes on a slightly more mellow cast as it slides towards October.
But there’s still plenty enough sunshine to go around, and the Lansdowne Farmers Market is still a great place to enjoy it! We’re here ’til Hallowe’en, folks!
That pile of apples is starting to grow on me…pears, too. My teeth are looking to sharpen their skills after a summer of soft sweet peaches and berries. And corn is still here for a few more weeks; likewise the melons…but, make no mistake, the pumpkins are waiting in the wings. Just putting on a few more pounds before their star turn.
Root veggies will be at the top of their game…and because they grow beneath the soil, are loaded with all of the nutrients that live down there. So, even if you hated them as a kid, step up and give them another chance…’cause we’ve learned a thing or two since grandma’s kitchen. For instance: forget boiling. The much maligned turnip is surprisingly good raw and grated into a salad, or roasted to bring out the sugars. Parsnips (those white things that look like Tim Burton’s version of carrots) are totally mellow; grate them into pancakes or mashed potatoes to save some calories and boost the nutrition index. And the “sweet” in sweet potatoes didn’t really come from the marshmallows that “came with” at Thanksgiving…you remember… that trick to make us try them. Nope and nope. I don’t know about you, but I was suspicious right from the get-go. Additional sweetness not really needed, but if you must, how about a little drizzle of good local honey*? Dark buckwheat is my personal favorite. The list goes on…and so do the benefits. Check it out.
*Speaking (again) of honey…I’m lately learning so much more about this miracle product. OK, call it bee spit if you find that funny, but no one should laugh at the benefits derived from pure right-from-the-hive honey. It isn’t all about taste. Did not know that honey has been used for centuries to promote healing of deep wounds and cuts. So, remember next spring to garden with those honey farmers in mind.
So, time to make some adjustments to the shopping list, but still lots to see and buy at the LFM. To see a list of all of this week’s vendors, and upcoming events, visit the LFM website or our FaceBook page. Just confirmed: KLM Mushroom will be here this week. Save room in your basket.
In the Music Tent: Dean Pappas and Ev Heard
Artist of the week: Liz Steele-Coats and A New Creation. What can I say about Liz that hasn’t already been noted? She is a Lansdowne Villager in every sense of the word; but this weekend she gets to show her craft…mobiles and jewelry…in other words, stuff to hang from your ceiling and your body!
For your calendars:
Sunday, Sept. 9. This weekend is one of the biggest on the Lansdowne calendar. After we’ve folded the market tents, we’ll rest up and get ready for the annual Arts on the Avenue the very next day. This event has become a huge draw far beyond our borders, attracting art and music lovers from all over the tri-county area. Plenty to see and do and buy for all ages: 40+ artists, YMCA Kids’ Zone, Jamey’s House of Music tent, food trucks and Conshohocken beer garden.
Sept 29: Dog Day Still time to prep the pooch for his or her moment in front of our distinguished roster of judges.
One announcement: Sadly, The Avenue Deli has closed its doors. We are so sorry to see them go. For many who have stopped there for lunch on Market day, we proudly offer some alternatives. This week: John Wilson’s Curiously Good Foods, Mama Rie’s Kitchen, and Pure Truth Culinary will be happy to oblige. And you’ll be happy they did.
See you Saturday….and Sunday!
-Terry Baraldi, Lovin’ the Lansdowne Life