Aug 8, 2018
To Market, to Market to buy some good stuff.
Had my basket and wallet…thought that was enough.
But when I arrived, where there should have been
Tents and commotion… there was none to be seen!
Where was everybody? I said to the air.
But the Landing was empty. I slumped in a chair.
Where were the people who put up the tents?
I expected a market. This just doesn’t make sense.
No people, no produce, no music, no chatter?
Nothing and no one. What could be the matter?
I had the right day, I had the right place;
But the manager’s slot was just empty space.
Finally it hit me… My friends, it appears
If you want things to happen, you need VOLUNTEERS!
Last Saturday’s LFM was almost a forfeit! Not because of the rain…we laugh (hah!) at the rain! No, our biggest challenge is always PEOPLE POWER. And last week, due to vacations and some unexpected health issues, our roster took a hit. So right off the the bat, I’d like to thank several friends of the Farmers Market (and my husband) who answered our SOS and pitched in to pitch tents. THANK YOU!
We love our Market…and if you’re reading this, so do you. But it takes a lot of dedication, stamina, not to mention some sleep deprivation, to bring it to life every week. And frankly, after a decade or more, some of us are getting tired. So please stop by the manager’s tent to say thanks…and while you’re at it, how about signing on to be part of the crew? Maybe one Saturday a month? No experience, and no picture ID, required. Go on…raise your hand.
Volunteers are more than the heart of the village! They are the fuel and the future.
We now return to our regular programming: FOOD!
The prolonged wet weather did do a job on some of the field produce…tomatoes in particular took a hit. Let’s hope this week’s sunshine will put us back right side up.
But there was good news, too…Cling-frees are here! No more leaving half your peach on that pit. And I don’t know who gets to name the new varietals…but who wouldn’t want to bite into a something called Flaming Fury? Here’s a tip once you get them home: a 10-second bath in boiling water will remove that fuzz without cooking the peach.
Berries in black, blue and red are in their prime, although the blackberries will leave by end of August. Here’s another tip: to prevent losing those soft segmented berries to mold, rinse in a very mild (1 tsp to 1 C) vinegar/water bath. Let them drain a bit and refrigerate in a container that allows some air flow.
Potato Homestead had the most gorgeous red beets! I love them just oiled and roasted. But pickled or harvard-ized are also good eats…so go for it. Peel raw or cooked…it makes no difference…and wave that red palm proudly. Talk about your flaming fury!
Speaking of pickles and such…starting to hear chatter about canning. Time to get your supplies, and your instructions, ready to hand. If you’ve never…maybe try your hand at refrigerator pickles for a sense of “I can do this!” Most fruits and certain veggies lend themselves to the simple water-bath method of canning. Pressure-cooking method is a bit more intense, but the payoff comes in mid-winter with a shelf full of summer in the pantry. There are lots of help sites out there about the what’s and how-to’s. So if you’re not sure…ASK!
In the Music Tent: Get yer twang on, and get ready to stomp to the bluegrass vibes of Boulevard Express .
Artist of the Week: Marfdaze. Send your kid back to school with a spiffy one-of-a-kind pencil case or copybook cover. For yourself…throw pillows and ephemera made from fabric scraps.
Guest Community Table: Lansdowne Votes is a non-partisan initiative to help educate and assist first-time voters and new residents get registered and ready in time for the Nov. 6 election. We can also help you identify your correct precinct location. Stop by and see us.
As always, you can find all the vendors for each week by visiting our website or FB page.
But be sure to read the rest of this newsletter for upcoming events…and maybe give that poem up top a second glance and a second thought.
See you at the LFM!
-Terry Baraldi, Village Volunteer